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Top 5 places to visit in Australia

Australia is one of the world's most popular destinations, thanks to its many tourist attractions. If you're planning a trip to discover new and exciting places, Australia is probably the destination for you. What steps do you need to take to visit this country? What are the must-see places in Australia? In this article, we present the steps you need to take to obtain an Australian visa and 5 must-see places to discover in Australia.

5 places not to be missed in Australia

If you want to go to Australia, it's only natural that you should know about the country's iconic places. Here are five places to visit in Australia.


It's one of the places not to be missed on a visit to Australia. The city of Sydney will introduce you to historic monuments, impressive buildings, golden beaches and thousands of species of plants.

The Great Barrier Reef

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this 2,000-kilometre stretch of the Pacific Ocean will introduce you to many underwater wonders. You'll discover colourful tropical fish, hundreds of varieties of seaweed, corals and crustaceans. You'll also be lucky enough to see animals such as dolphins, turtles and whales.

Kangaroo Island

It's an island where you'll have the pleasure of discovering exceptional flora and fauna. Located in the south of Australia, this island allows you to contemplate a natural landscape and animals such as kangaroos, koalas and others.


In this small Australian state, you can discover nature in its purest form. Tasmania is an area that offers a wilderness of unspoilt flora and numerous endemic species. It's an unmissable destination on a trip to Australia.

KAKADU National Park

The fifth must-see site is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Karadu National Park is a very interesting 200 km stretch of land with a wide variety of flora and fauna.

The various steps involved in obtaining an Australian visa

To travel to Australia, you will first need to obtain a visa. It is now possible to obtain this precious document online without travelling: it's called the eVisitor. In addition to the Australian government website where you can obtain the eVisa, you have the option of using the services of an intermediary.

Why choose the Australian eVisitor?

The eVisitor is an electronic visa introduced by the Australian government in 1996. Unlike the traditional visa, the eVisitor has the advantage of being quicker to obtain. The process is 100 % online and allows you to obtain an official document from the authorities. You can also make a group application for this type of visa.

To obtain this electronic visa, you will still need to meet certain criteria. There are four main criteria:

  • A passport valid for at least 6 months after the date of entry into Australia.
  • Not have another Australian visa in force.
  • Be outside Australian territory.
  • Be a national of an eligible country.

What are the advantages of choosing an agency to do this?

By choosing an agency to obtain your Australian eVisitor, you first benefit from a single application fee. Secondly, you will receive your eVisa in no more than 5 days. And don't forget that by going through this agency, you have every chance of obtaining your eVisa.